Agency for sustainable
Agency for sustainable
Jode Daach!

tippingpoints GmbH
Bonngasse 23
53111 Bonn


tippingpoints GmbH
Bergmannstraße 102 (Vorderhaus, 4. OG)
10961 Berlin

A colourful campaign for natural gardens

Tausende Gärten – Tausende Arten

Tausende Gärten tausende Arten Blumenstecker
Tausende Gärten tausende Arten Flyer

Planting animals, is that even possible? In fact, it is: by creating small biotopes. Biodiversity is not only found in enchanted floodplain landscapes or lush green forests. Gardens, balconies, company roofs and public green spaces can also give plants and animals room to flourish. However, because this potential is still used far too rarely, we developed the campaign “Tausende Gärten – Tausende Arten” (TGTA) in cooperation with the Wissenschaftsladen Bonn [an organisation that aims to help tackle the major challenges facing society: Protecting water, soil, air, biodiversity and the climate and creating fairer social conditions] and the Deutsche Gartenbau-Gesellschaft (DGG) [an organisation that supports horticultural networking in Germany and develops concepts for the preservation of biodiversity, the protection of the climate, soil and water and for the health of people and plants]. Its goal: to make natural gardening with native wild plants a trend.
The foundation for this campaign is the communication concept and the corporate design. For this purpose, we built a website and launched an Instagram channel for which we manage content creation and publish tips for creating your own natural garden. There are also special TGTA-wildflower-seeds that are available to buy at several German gardening centres and retailers. We are pleased to witness the increasing popularity of the natural gardening trend that has been nurtured by our marketing concept.

Hochbeet auf Großstadtbalkon
Tausende Gärten tausende Arten Samentütchen
Handyscreen mit Instagram-Kanal von Tausende Gärten tausende Arten