Agency for sustainable
Agency for sustainable
Jode Daach!

tippingpoints GmbH
Bonngasse 23
53111 Bonn


tippingpoints GmbH
Bergmannstraße 102 (Vorderhaus, 4. OG)
10961 Berlin

Strategy & Consulting


The more you deal with a problem, the more distant the solution can appear to be. Often it helps when someone else comes along and asks completely new questions. Together, we will find answers to questions you may not have asked yourself before. We can help you develop a communication strategy, find your core message, get to know your target groups, create a vision for your company or visibly position your organisation in the complex sustainability cosmos.

Communication strategy

We develop communication strategies that form a stable foundation. To do this, we analyse the current situation and define goals, target groups and messages. Together, we create a central idea and develop the appropriate dramaturgy for your communication. If the strategy is then to be brought to life, we can support you with its implementation.

Sustainable Corporate Identity

For us, Sustainable Corporate Identity is the core of sustainable, resilient companies. Changing consumer behaviour, new legal frameworks and social change are shaping the market and so are strategic decisions. We advise you and your employees on finding and shaping your company’s sustainable identity: What does sustainability mean for your company? How can it be anchored in the corporate identity? And how can your attitude, your sustainable corporate identity, be communicated to the outside world?


Then take a look at some projects we have already implemented.

Full-service agency for climate protection
Klimaschutz- und Energieagentur Baden-Württemberg
Full-service agency for climate protection
Klimaschutz- und Energieagentur Baden-Württemberg
Building a stage for energy and climate protection
Building a stage for energy and climate protection
Verlinkt auf Projekt "Kreative Ideen für die Stadtentwicklung der Zukunft".
Stadt Bonn
Stadt Bonn
Promoting organic and sustainable cuisine through effective communication
Bundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung
Promoting organic and sustainable cuisine through effective communication
Bundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung